More Bible Resources
Click here for resources on learning more about the bible including:
- Bible Reading Plans
- A bible course that covers the whole bible in one year in 5 minutes a day.
- Timeline of the Bible
- Who Wrote the Bible?
- Bible Books in 30 Minutes
- Free online Bible Study Courses available at
Click here to check out some deeper (but free) online courses from our Bible College (ACOM: Australian College of Ministries)
Study 1: Introduction to Spiritual Formation
Study 2: Introduction to the Old Testament
Study 3: Introduction to the New Testament
Study 4: Introduction to Christian Doctrines
Study 1: Introduction to Spiritual Formation
Study 2: Introduction to the Old Testament
Study 3: Introduction to the New Testament
Study 4: Introduction to Christian Doctrines
Living the Flourishing Life by Pastor Pete
Pete has recorded a series of 100's of videos on the topics like Negotiation, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Flourishing Mental Health, Happiness, Discipleship, etc. Some of the playlists can be found at the links below:
- Click here for the 'Flourishing Life' playlist.
- Click here for 'Flourishing Mental Health' playlist
- Click here for the '30 Day Happiness Challenge' playlist.
- Click here for the 'Discipleship' playlist
- Click here for 'Leadership Lessons I learnt running 57 marathons in 59 days'.
This is the opening video from a series of videos on Emotional Intelligence.
This is the opening video from a series on Mental Health.
Are you struggling to forgive someone or not be frustrated by them? This meditation may give you a freedom in this area of your life.
This is the opening video of the 30 Day Happiness Challenge. Every day I give a short (most are 30-60 seconds) suggestion about something you can do to improve your happiness level.
These are the lessons I learnt when I completed a 2405km run of New Zealand in 2016-2017.
This is the opening video of a Negotiation Course that has now been made available for free.
How to have a difficult conversation
This short video explains a framework for getting a better understanding of the justifications we make for holding a complaint against someone.
These short videos explain a framework for having a difficult conversation. The diagrams used in the videos are provided beneath the videos.
Flourishing Relationships
For helpful suggestions about How to Forgive Someone check out this podcast episode from the Slate How To series. |
This 96 second video by Dan Pink explains the truth about reaching out to an old colleague or friend that you haven't been in contact with for a while.
Spiritual Pathways
Discover the multitude of ways that God has made for you to vibrantly connect with Him check out the following resources:
DNA's Discipleship iN Action
Jesus called us in Matthew 28:19-20 'to go and make disciples ... teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.'
The following DNA (Discipleship in Action) Groups help us do this effectively.
The following DNA (Discipleship in Action) Groups help us do this effectively.
This video (3 minutes) explains a simple but powerful method to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.
This video covers some commonly asked questions.
0:12 How do I start a DNA Group? 0:29 How many people are there is a DNA Group? 1:04 Do I need permission to start a DNA Group? 1:28 Can I invite others? 2:12 How often should we meet? 3:12 Where do we meet? 3:45 Do the people I invite have to be a Christian? 4:24 Does a DNA Group replace our Bible Study? 4:50 What happens if we get larger than 4? 6:06 How do we organise out time? |
This video (17 minutes) is a sermon I preached in November 2022 which provides the theological undergirding for the DNA groups explained above.
Hearing God
- Experiencing God Reality 1 - God is working Around You -
- Experiencing God Reality 2 - God Pursues a loving Relationship -
- Experiencing God Reality 3 - God Wants Us Involved -
- Experiencing God Reality 4 - God Speaks To Us -
- Experiencing God Reality 5 - Crisis of Belief -
- Experiencing God Reality 6,7 - Adjust your Life & Knowing God -
Life and Leadership Lessons with Pastor Barry McMurtrie
Click here for a series of videos by our first Pastor was Barry McMurtrie, a world renowned expert in leadership, especially but not just limited to Christian Churches. The following talks by Barry come out of his expertise in growing churches that 'anybody can come to'. Barry's heart to help people know and experience the blessing of a deep and personal relationship with God is inspirational.